Sorry for not posting in a while. It's been kind of an emotional roller coaster for the dear wife and me this past week, and I wasn't exactly sure what to say on this here weblog.
So God, the universe, and meiosis all got together for a little sit-down last week (the day before Christmas Eve, incidentally). They decided that our little zygote just wasn't meant for this world, and that his or her purpose lies elsewhere.
Thankfully, the dear wife is safe and healthy, but it wasn't, needless to say, the optimal Christmas experience this year. On the other hand, being with family during this difficult time made it much easier to cope. The dear wife and I are very lucky to have such a supportive family. I hadn't quite appreciated that fact until now.
So what, then, will happen to the narcissistic exercise you are currently reading? Nothing, really. You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?
Or in words far more eloquent that my own:
"If we bring a little joy into your humdrum lives, it makes us feel as though our hard work ain't been in vain for nothin'."
Update: 12:58am, 31 December. Wow. Have I really gotten to the point where I am mining silly Gene Kelly movies for blog material? I need to get out more...