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25 August 2006


Papa Bradstein

Talk about lurches...just wait til the boy arrives.

That is odd about the Bradley class. I had the same prejudice about Bradley, but we ended up taking a sort of hodge-podge course through our practice, so I never got to find out. But half the fun of childbirth classes was the other people--good thing, because two of the other couples delivered the same day that we did. You won't see the others when you deliver, but your Episcopalian boy may well share a birthday with some of those born-again babies. (Hm. Do they have to go through labor twice as born-again babies? 'Cause that would suck all around.)


I think I remember you as a young person with very mild to non-existing political aspirations (maybe because in our circle of friends and in school nearly everyone was of a fairly similar bent). Glad to see you have it in you to take a stand. For a little break-time chit-chat try tossing out the topic "stewards of the Earth". See what that gets you.


Sorry, on second thought I didn't mean to imply that you had no principles or stand, only that you've always just quietly lived in accordance with your beliefs. And to think that I would live to see my son actually become a childbirth class activist. I'm overwhelmed.

zygote daddy

Always nice to overwhelm one's mother :), but I would hardly claim to be an activist for anything. There just seems to be a lot to think about when birthing at home, and we just want to make sure we're informed and prepared. That's all.


That's just a little bit evil...no wonder I like it!

samantha jo campen

Now, if you could just get DW to give birth to a monkey you'd TOTALLY trump 'em.


May I suggest one of these:


I always liked what Bill Hicks said; "You ever notice how people who believe in creationism look really unevolved?"

zygote daddy

Why Dad-to-Be, I see you've been touched by His Noodly Appendage!

Here is where my personal ban on proselytizing ends: http://www.venganza.org

dear wife

No not a monkey! Sorry I have a thing against monkeys, don't ask. I was thinking of getting this onesie: http://www.cafepress.com/buy/flying+spaghetti+monster/-/pv_design_prod/p_1219034.32111069/pNo_32111069/id_8794444/fpt_/opt_/c_360/pg_ and putting it on the zygote for our post birth get together.


For our birth class, we actually took 2- LaMaze at the hospital, and one that was taught by our doula. We went from "hee hee hoo" and maybe episiotomy to underwater birth, squat in a field and pick a recipe for your placenta in like 2 weeks. The LaMaze class was taught by a born again Christian woman who tried to rope a few people into starting their own business...Amway! The other class was taught by a practicing pagan, who happens to also be a midwife. She told us that home births are quite prevalent in the Mennonite communities and among hyper-Christian types. Go figure.


I certainly have been touched by his noodly appendage! particularly love the hate mail - it has me in hysterics.

DW - I love the babywear. I wonder if I can convince K___ that despite my total hatred of children wearing brand names, it's a completely different kettle of fish to get kids wearing stuff that supports their parent's philosophical beliefs...

Hmmm, not sure I'm convincing myself with that argument, but it's still very cute!


Very interesting blog, I found you through Ramblings of an Art Nerd. I am intrigued with the actions of born-again Christians in the class. As an ex-Episcopalian and a current Methodist, I never know how to respond to such declarations. Your passive-aggressive response was excellent.

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