Just received the most recent issue of Ode, which contains their list of the 17 best green products and companies from 2006. Not sure why they chose 17 exactly, but sometimes these things are best chalked up to journalistic idiosynchrasy.
Therein was Paperpod, a UK company that makes assorted "creations" for kids out of plain old recycled cardboard. This, in my opinion, is one of the most brilliant ideas ever.
I mean, how many times are kids enthralled more by a gift's packaging than the gift itself? Besides, how fun would it be to break out a little cadmium red (mmm...cadmium...) with your toddler and go to town on a rocketship?
And? They're all less than fifty bucks. Same price as one of those horrible Elmo things, and a cardboard rocketship won't precipitate any unfortunate Bruce Banner moments on my part.
Just one more piece of the puzzle in our (likely futile) attempt to give the hatchling a battery-free childhood...
That is so cute! And so...YOU! :)
Posted by: Auntie M | 27 September 2006 at 09:17 PM
When I was little we lived by a furniture store. One of the neighborhood kids' very favorite things to do was to get boxes from them--couch boxees were the BEST. We would cut out windows and doors and make villages of cardboard houses complete with can-and-string telephones. It was awesome.
Posted by: Amy | 28 September 2006 at 12:25 AM
That totally rules. Damn, I coulda been a millionaire!
Posted by: samantha Jo Campen | 28 September 2006 at 01:02 AM
I think that you should just order a fridge a month and use those boxes rather than create all this additional demand for paperboard products.
I mean, you've got room for 12 fridges, right?
Seriously, that's a cool product.
Posted by: Papa Bradstein | 28 September 2006 at 05:35 AM
That is pretty awesome!
One of my daughter's favorite things to do is have us cut an eyeslot and arm holes in a paper grocery bag, then she decorates it and wears it as a robot costume.
We haven't introduced her to the world of large cardboard boxes yet!
Posted by: Kaz | 28 September 2006 at 09:54 AM
Oh my goodness. That is brilliant. Right now in my living room is a "fire truck" Duncan made by scotch-taping two shoe boxes together. I'm convinced that kids really just need sticks, rocks and cardboard for a grand old time. Wouldn't make Christmas much fun though.
Posted by: Henitsirk | 28 September 2006 at 02:14 PM
Because nothing says "What could possibly go wrong?" like little boys with sticks and rocks! :)
Posted by: zygote daddy | 28 September 2006 at 05:06 PM
Thanks for the good read.
I love Ode, but decided against a subscription because of the international cost to send it here to Spain. BUT, I found the article you mentioned online in case anyone else is interested in reading it.
Posted by: spain dad | 30 September 2006 at 02:03 PM
Too funny. When my friends ask about gifts for my one 1 year old, I would jokingly tell them to just bring the wrapping paper or a box. I don't think they understood the joy that gift would give to our Monkey.
Posted by: bgkahuna | 03 October 2006 at 10:13 PM