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27 September 2006


Auntie M

That is so cute! And so...YOU! :)


When I was little we lived by a furniture store. One of the neighborhood kids' very favorite things to do was to get boxes from them--couch boxees were the BEST. We would cut out windows and doors and make villages of cardboard houses complete with can-and-string telephones. It was awesome.

samantha Jo Campen

That totally rules. Damn, I coulda been a millionaire!

Papa Bradstein

I think that you should just order a fridge a month and use those boxes rather than create all this additional demand for paperboard products.

I mean, you've got room for 12 fridges, right?

Seriously, that's a cool product.


That is pretty awesome!

One of my daughter's favorite things to do is have us cut an eyeslot and arm holes in a paper grocery bag, then she decorates it and wears it as a robot costume.

We haven't introduced her to the world of large cardboard boxes yet!


Oh my goodness. That is brilliant. Right now in my living room is a "fire truck" Duncan made by scotch-taping two shoe boxes together. I'm convinced that kids really just need sticks, rocks and cardboard for a grand old time. Wouldn't make Christmas much fun though.

zygote daddy

Because nothing says "What could possibly go wrong?" like little boys with sticks and rocks! :)

spain dad

Thanks for the good read.

I love Ode, but decided against a subscription because of the international cost to send it here to Spain. BUT, I found the article you mentioned online in case anyone else is interested in reading it.



Too funny. When my friends ask about gifts for my one 1 year old, I would jokingly tell them to just bring the wrapping paper or a box. I don't think they understood the joy that gift would give to our Monkey.

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