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06 September 2006



I totally feel that about the Northeast too. I grew up in suburban LA where stucco ranch houses and strip malls prevail. Out here there may be subdivisions, but they don't look absolutely identical, and there are actual homes that are older than I am! Plus these rock walls (hello Robert Frost) are just too groovy, coming from the land of concrete block highway soundwalls.

spain dad

It's interesting that you can comment on the Midwest with such precision.

I don't really think I knew what the Midwest was (what made it differnet than other places) until I moved away four years ago.

Chicago was always the "big city" for my family, but only now am I beginning to see what gives it character.


Mmmm, just got done cataloguing a whole bunch of Chicago architecture. I am so envious, I've ALWAYS wanted to go there!

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