Lately I've gotten nervous using our little boy's real name on this here weblog, given the bizarre and voluminous comment spam that's been going on. Do I honestly think my readers are using this blog to find "Gay Sex Previews!" or to "Check out my ringtones!"? No. But the fact that some spam-bot is lurking around just kind of gives me the willies. I realize this doesn't exactly constitute a threat to my boy's wellbeing, but it does serve as a reminder that it is not just family, friends, and well-wishing readers that stop by this little corner of the web.
Welcome to the brave new world of the innernets, people.
So to ease this little paternal neurosis, from now on our cute little giant two-month-old baby boy will be known to the innernets as Chins.
I know, how cruel is that? But whatev'. That really is what we call him...
Now I just need to go back and change two months' worth of posts, and hope that Google doesn't take too long updating its cached pages.
That will be all. We now return to the regularly scheduled program.