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08 May 2007


Art Nerd

I have to say, that is one consideration to cloth diapering I never considered. Yeah, that's gross. :)


That's why we use disposables while on travel, too many logistical manueverings required and too many bad smells in small confined spaces.

Congrats on having a good traveler!


Yeah, thats why we used disposables on road trips and cloth just in the house.

That's awesome he travels well. We are dragging the girls camping next month, first time in 5 years. I need to commune.

dear wife

Actually I was amazed how little smell there was on the drive home. One airtight container and a box of baking soda made for a clean smelling car. But the amount of space they took up was amazing.


Who's wedding did you guys go too!?

dear wife

Bree & Dan's


Looks like Chins is at the perfect traveling age: old enough to be interested in new scenery, young enough to feel OK as long as mama and papa are there.

We always used paper diapers when traveling, too. Seemed like an OK compromise.

dear wife

Yeah we choice to stick with cloth on the road because Chins has a sensative bum and we worried about diaper rash. he used to get it in the sposies and even some of our cloth.

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