Well, Iowa's quadrennial political circus ends tonight, at long last. After being inexplicably at the center of the political universe, we will once again become fly-over country for the very people who for months have been pandering to our every whim, neurosis, and idiosyncrasy. Chins' aunt and uncle were in town over New Year's, just in time for the final push through Ames of just about every single presidential candidate (where are you, Dennis Kucinich?). We missed Richardson's early morning art gallery appearance, and Clinton went suspiciously long, preventing us (and probably hundreds of others) from attending an Edwards event, but we managed to make most of them.
A few highlights, then, of the festivities:
- In a moment of shameless pandering, Joe Biden picked up a nearby toddler during a question about health care or education or something, and the toddler promptly punched him in the face. Then his mom made a "surprise" appearance, but thankfully there just happened to be a chair there waiting for her. Boy, that was sure lucky.
- Rather than attend a Barack Obama New Year's party, I got to drive Chins around while he fell asleep. The sub-zero temperatures woke him up after I drove him to sleep the first time around, so I bundled him up and drove him around again, just in time to pass Obama's motorcade as it headed toward the freeway. Better luck next time. The bro and sister in law were able to see Obama speak, seeing how their hotel room was just right upstairs. I must say I've never seen her so smitten before, and certainly not by my brother.
- While Chelsea Clinton was talking and shaking hands with those of us in the front row, a campaign aide asked my brother, "So, are you going to caucus for Hillary?" My brother answered, "Well, I might for a night in the Lincoln Bedroom." Looking suddenly stricken, the aide said something about a "sore point", before moving down the line. Nice one, bro.
One thing is for certain: Iowa is a surreal place every four years. I'll let you know how the caucus goes, once we're firmly back in flyover state status.
I love your brother for that comment. Love him.
Posted by: Papa Bradstein | 04 January 2008 at 08:39 PM