I found this website today that I just know the statistician in me is going to be totally obsessed by: calorie-count.com. Like it sounds, it calculates caloric intake and estimates the number of calories burned, blah blah blah. But here's the great thing: it has every food and physical activity known to man already in its database. And I do mean EVERYTHING. It is rather amusing, actually. A few of the listed activities:
- Feeding animals (272 cal/hr)
- Moving an ice house (653 cal/hr)
- Maple sugaring/sugar bushing (544 cal/hr)
- Water volleyball (326 cal/hr)
- Erecting coal mine supports (707 cal/hr)
- Pushing a plane in and out of a hangar (653 cal/hr)
- Sitting in church (163 cal/hr)
- Cooking Indian bread on an outside stove (326 cal/hr)
- Taking medication (108 cal/hr)
- Standing while reading (195 cal/hr)
- Chasing cattle or other livestock on horseback (435 cal/hr) [wait -- so are the livestock on horseback, or...]
But you know, the more I look at this, the more dubious it seems. What are the chances that moving an ice house and pushing a plane into a hangar burn exactly the same number of calories? I'm guessing they're taking a few shortcuts. But whatev'.
Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to go to my account and enter that I've just spent 15 minutes typing, which should work out to about 41 calories. Man, they sure make exercising easy...